
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Looking Forward to 2014

Here it is January, 9th, so that seems like the perfect time to finish my new year's resolutions. Last year I I really tried to Push It and go outside of my comfort zone. It was an amazing year, spending time with family, watching our little girl grow up and dreaming about our future.

Here are some of my favorite memories from 2013:

Getting certified to teach Stroller Strides
Running the Zombie Mud Run
Grace's first day of "school"

Easter Breakfast with the Bunny and egg hunt with my mom
Family trip to Myrtle Beach for the Diva Half Marathon
Music Together class with Grace
Taking Grace to the zoo on Father's Day
We celebrated our nine year anniversary 
Cole ran the Army Ten Miler really fast 
Playing in the kiddy pool and the sprinkler with Grace and Cole
Visiting Jennifer in Maryland and taking Grace to the Discovery Museum
Playing volleyball with The Lovely Lady Bumps
Family trip to the lake house during the summer
Grace's second birthday party at Gillis Hill Farm

Cole getting accepted into the masters program at Penn State
Trips to the pumpkin patch and corn maze

Trick-or-treating with my little wonder woman on Halloween
Thanksgiving kickball and the Bobcat's game in Charlotte
Flying to California to see my parents and their new house

Playing in the snow
Christmas was so fun with a 2 year old
It really was an amazing year. I feel so lucky for all of the opportunities I had to stay healthy, spend time with friends and family and watch sweet Grace grow up. I am thankful for a supportive, funny husband who is leading us on a new adventure this year. Big things are in the works…

My 2014 Vision Board: 


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