
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ice Cream Party for Grace's 2nd Birthday

Not only is it less than two weeks until Thanksgiving, there are just 5 more weekends until Christmas! Before the madness of the holidays takes hold, let me take a minute to recap Grace's 2nd Birthday.

First- like all mothers, I can not believe how quickly she has grown up. She is not a baby any more. She is a big girl with a sense of humor and a fiery attitude. She says "Thank you, Mommy," and "Ready (to) go?" She sings (most) of her ABC's, Twinkle, Twinkle, and Rock-a-bye Baby. She can count to ten. She loves apples, eggo waffles, pizza and our dog. She is two.

We had her birthday party early, so we could go to the farm by our house for homemade ice cream. It was a hot afternoon spent with friends eating ice cream and touring the farm.

Mommy blowing out the candle for Grace

Party favors for the boys- handmade bow ties (tutorial)
Printable adapted from One Charming Party 
Party favors for the girls- ice cream hair bows (Simply Pretty Bows)
Printable adapted from One Charming Party  
Ice cream tickets for the party guests-
"Exchange this ticket for a small cup of ice cream"

The Birthday girl checking out the animals with her friends. 

Opening presents- not her best moment!

Tired and dirty at the end of the party! (I love the little smudge of dirt on her nose!)
Special thank you to Auntie Jen for driving down for the celebration and for helping with set-up and clean-up! LOVE YOU!
We also brought S'more fun treats to her class the week of her Birthday.  (Printable)
Streamers on the morning of her birthday. 
The day of her second birthday she also figured out how to climb out of her crib. This has signaled the end of nap time as we knew it. We finally had to switch her bed into a toddler bed, so that she wouldn't hurt herself. She is doing great at night, but WILL NOT stay in her bed during nap time. She trashes her room and pounds on the door.

I am devastated to see the end of her long afternoon nap. When am I going to shower/eat lunch/clean up/put laundry away (watch Scandal)??? I'm hoping we can make some sort of compromise where she will spend some quiet time in her room without flinging all of her belongings all over the room... Please tell me there's still hope for the afternoon nap. I don't know if I can survive the terrible twos without it!


  1. Awww the little smudge of dirt on her nose is so cute. Mine is on hour 3 of his nap so I was able to come take a peek at your blog. I'm sure she'll go back to napping as soon as the excitement of being free of her crib wears off.

    1. Three hour naps- I MISS those! Hopefully Abe doesn't get too excited to sleep when new baby brother arrives...

  2. Super cute. I just loved your daughters every pic. Ice cream birthday party looks fun too. Seems everyone had enjoyed this party a lot. Hopefully I will plan such interesting and fun birthday party for my daughter at event venue. Will invite all her friends with their parents.
