
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Feels Like Summer

Eeek! I am officially that person who says, "where has the time gone?" (I also say, "darn" and Grace seems to have picked up the phrase, "what in the world," from me, too!)

But seriously you guys, the days have been flying by and summer feels like it is officially here. We have been staying busy while we gett settled here in Charlotte.

Some highlights include:

Blowing bubbles
Picking strawberries
Learning to roll (4 months old)
A hair makeover 
We are ready to explore... our new vacation home on wheels!

University City Duathlon and Kid's Fun Run
Enjoying some time in the sun
Grace teaching her little brother everything she knows
So there you have it. A glossed over, made for social media, highlight reel of some of the recent going-ons of our family. Sure there are some not so great times, like late night baby feedings, and 'mad-at-mama-three-year-old-llama-drama,' but I can't complain. There are way more lilacs coming my way than lemons



  1. Lovely! The pictures of life...if each were a thousands words, you just wrote volumes! Always enjoy your posts. And, don't you think it is good to be the person who asks, "Where has the time gone?" It implies a love and appreciation for life and all our blessings.
    "Auntie" Kristen

  2. Thanks Aunt Kristen! I am definitely feeling appreciative for all I have! We're excited to visit the west this summer, and get to see you all!
