
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Choose Your Own Adventure

A few weeks ago I was sitting in a new house, in a new city with a new(ish)born. The three year old was running in circles pulling a stuffed dog toy around by a leash shouting out random lines from the Octonauts. Griffin (the real dog) was growling in his usual grouchy way and there were cardboard boxes all around us.
Grace's look for unpacking- swim suits and snow hats
These two are the sweetest siblings. Grace loves making her little brother smile.

It's CRA-ZY to think that this time last year-like this exact time- we were moving into the townhouse in Murfreesboro. Fast forward one year ahead and we are now a family of four. Cole survived one year on the night shift, which let me just tell you, takes its toll on you physically and mentally and on the family as a whole. We decided to take the leap and accepted a great job offer in Charlotte in order to be closer to family and other opportunities. All of this meant another dreaded move- probably like the 12th one as a married couple!

Not only are we still recovering from the chaos of moving, we're also recovering from the stress of selling our house (which was burglarized). Even with an offer at our very first showing, the whole real estate process has left me with a lot to be desired. I've also lost a little faith in humanity and can't shake the feeling of being violated. Stealing is wrong, peopleI'm trying my best to find the silver lining in the situation, and at least, at the end of the day we found a buyer fast, we are moved into a house that has a little more space (a playroom!) (a yard!), and we had insurance to cover the theft and damage. 

We are missing some wonderful friends that we left behind in Tennessee, but we plan to visit soon when Auntie Jen has a place for us to stay. Until then, we are looking forward to getting settled and doing some exploring in Charlotte. Grace is already inviting kids in the Chick-Fil-A play place over to play, so I think she'll have no problem making new friends. We're also excited to be nearby some family here in Charlotte.

Great grandparents visiting NC and meeting Brax
We've even already had our first visitor! Grandma came to visit for her Spring Break, and we hung pictures, went to see Cinderella at the movie theaters and took a day trip to IKEA. How lucky am I to have such a wonderful mom?
Braxton loves selfies (ha!)


1 comment:

  1. Great read! Hope all goes well for you in the new town!
