
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Our Love: Blooming for Ten Years

"Forever" ago, Cole and I decided to get married fresh out of high school. Afterwards I decided I would plan a big "wedding" vow renewal ceremony for our ten year anniversary. It would be everything our little wedding wasn't; it would be a big party with all of our friends, open bar (because we could actually drink), a DJ and a sexy dress. I would plan it in my head most nights before I fell asleep. It wasn't that I didn't love our wedding-I did. I just had it stuck in my head that it was supposed to be something grander, like the pictures in the bridal magazines.

Ten years ago our wedding was a small get together in my husband's grandparent's garden. It was a hot July day in northern California. Our closest family were there. My dad walked me down the grassy aisle in a slick black vest. My bridesmaids consisted of my 2 best girlfriends from high school and my twin sister, Jennifer. We bought my garter from a little boutique in a strip mall on the way to the wedding.  Our cake was decorated with tiny pink polka dots and my bouquet held pink roses and big yellow sunflowers. We toasted with sparkling cider. My papa was the officiant and witness as I kissed my handsome soldier husband for the first time.

It was, actually, perfect. The flowers were blooming, just like our love. Flawed, simple and true.

Since that kiss, we've shared our life together in Nevada, North Carolina, Arizona, and Tennessee. We've graduated college, been through good times and tough times, survived deployments and life with a newborn. Ten years feels like just the first chapter in our story. I couldn't be prouder of the man I'm married to. He is strong, loving, funny, faithful and determined. I love seeing his features in our daughter and knowing that he will be by my side as we watch her grow up.

I no longer feel the need to plan an elaborate vow renewal ceremony for our 10 year anniversary. (Good thing, because it's here, and I didn't plan one!) I guess I've learned over the years that love is something that should be celebrated and lived each day. Kisses goodbye each day and splitting a bottle of wine on a Friday night are just as important (maybe even more) as a fancy dress and a big party. Instead, I'm happy to spend the day (after) with my sweetheart just enjoying each other's company-kid-free to boot! We are also lucky enough our anniversary will always fall the day before the 4th of July holiday, so we can celebrate with fireworks as our love continues to bloom.
Happy 10 years to my love! 

Mama's Losin' It


  1. Your wedding was beautiful! I joke that we will have a fun renewal ceremony some day, but almost 14 years in I am not worried about. I'll save that money for a cruise when the kids are older!

    1. Thank you for the kind comment. A cruise sounds like way more fun! Congrats on 14 and counting!

  2. If I could redo my wedding it would've been a small intimate backyard wedding or destination. I'm assuming when you lived in tn you were stationed at fort campbell? I actually lve in Clarksville :) Stopping by from mama Kat's. You can find me at

    1. Hi Haley,
      We are new to TN (none-military now), but we were stationed in NC/GA/AZ. How do you like Fort Campbell?

  3. Happy Anniversary! I was married on a beach in Hawaii and there are definitely things I would do differently if I could go back. I think we created the perfect weddings for ourselves for that moment in our lives. We grow and change and get different ideas, but you're right, celebrating what we have everyday that we have it is what's important!

    1. Thank you! I just love looking at people's wedding photos. There are always trends and things that go out of style, but a couple in love on their wedding day is so beautiful! Thanks for the awesome prompts each week!

  4. Happy anniversary! It's the living of your life together that is important! An elaborate ceremony is not as important as a meaningful ceremony. It sounds like your wedding day was perfect.

    Great photo of your family!

    1. Thanks Jerralea! It's easy to get distracted from what's really important. I'm glad I get the chance to reflect on how lucky I am in life.

  5. You are so right. It is the Friday after Friday after Friday that matters. The "big" day can be staged, but sticking it out through thick and thin--that is what really counts.~May
