
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

Oh, hey there little blog. It's been a while. Sorry...we've been busy, though!

We went swimming,

picked strawberries,

played baseball,

 ran around like superheroes,

and played in the rain puddles!

Today is a special day, though, because it's Father's Day! A day to stop and say thank you to the men who make the world better just by being rad dads!

Grace is so lucky to have such a wonderful daddy, and I could not be more proud of the wonderful father Cole is. I love that he can play "bad cop" to my "good cop," he makes Grace scream with laughter as the Tickle Monster and plays music for her, "so she'll have good taste." Happy Father's Day, Cole! Thank you for all you do for our family! We love you!

Grace made a card all about her Daddy. (With a little help from her Momma.) 
Grace drawing Daddy, who apparently looks scribbly and orange.

Find your free printable at 30 Days Homemade
I decided Grace couldn't have all the fun, so I made one for my Dad, too!

Cheers to all of the wonderful fathers who love, support, nurture, play with and teach their children the important lessons in life. It is a privilege to be my dad's daughter and to watch my sweet husband be Grace's dad. 

Grace and Daddy "watching" TV together

At the finish line of the Nike Women's Half in S.F. 

UNR Graduation 


We can't wait to see you, Dad, in just a few days in California! We're due for an ice cream date, our treat! Love you!!!!

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