
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day Trip to the Zoo

Last year Cole was deployed for his first Father's Day. We sent him packages to show him just how much we loved and missed him, but this year... he was home! I sent him on a scavenger hunt around the house that ended with a little gift from Grace and I. (I bought him some cologne and Grace made him a custom painted one-of-a-kind picture frame.)
Grace and her Dada checking the mailbox for one of the clues in the scavenger hunt.

Then we packed up and headed to the North Carolina Zoo. The drive to the zoo was about 1.5 hrs, and then we walked the Africa side of the park looking at elephants, zebras, giraffes, lions, baby chimps and gorillas. Grace did great (probably because she ate the entire time), but Cole and I were starving. We drove back and stopped at Outback for a late lunch. I was so thankful for the iPad to keep Grace entertained while we waited for our food. She is turning into such a techie!

This Father's Day I was so thankful to be able to spend it with Grace and her daddy. He is such a caring, selfless and involved father. I knew I married a great guy, but I had no idea just how wonderful you would be as a father. I am excited to continue to share the adventures of parenthood with my sweet husband. 

These two own my heart! 
Sending love to all of the great dads out there. (Especially my dear ole' Dad, who completed the 100 mile Tour de Manure around Sierra Valley last weekend.) You have always been a little crazy, but you never cease to amaze and inspire me. 

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