
Monday, May 6, 2013

Ain't Nobody Got Time For Zombies

In the past few weeks, I've been busy running from Zombies, bumpin' it up with the Lovely Lady Bumps, cultivating my green thumb and acting like a complete DIVA.

Let me explain:

A group of my Stroller Strides mama friends and I did the Zombie Escape at Panic Point. It's a 5K mud run with 20 obstacles and "zombies" roaming the coarse trying to steal your flags (like capture the flag).  It was a dirty, disgusting mess, and it was a blast. We made matching shirts using iron-on transfer paper that said, "Zombie Bait."

Font: Gogozombie and Cracked

I designed it in Photoshop, and then flipped the image for printing. With a simple iron, I was able to transfer the image from the paper onto the shirts. Fun! 

Here are some of the other t-shirt sayings/designs we were considering:

This picture was after the very first obstacle- so much for white shirts! 
Finish line glory! Way to go ladies!
I've also been spending some time with my favorite pastime- volleyball! MWR hosted a women's volleyball league, and we were able to pull together a pretty darn good team of ladies. We made it to the 5th round of double elimination playoffs, and I think we finished in the top 6 out of 15 teams. So proud!

After our final lose in the playoffs. End of season lays courtesy of Amber. 
Also vying for my attention was our new front yard. We finally (I know, sorry neighbors!) got grass put down in the front yard and added some trees. I will freely admit that I have never been able to keep a plant alive, but Cole seems pretty committed to the grass' well-being. With sod, I guess you have to make sure it gets plenty of water the first month so that the roots take and all of the strips of sod grow together. This means morning and evening watering... BY HAND! I've been doing some rain dancing for the sake of our water bill.

This picture was taken a few weeks ago, and luckily we've got some rain, so it's even greener now!
Finally, the last weekend of April, was the Diva Half Marathon in North Myrtle Beach. I've been nursing a IT band injury, so I was questionable about running this race....but....I paid the nonrefundable entry fee....and booked the nonrefundable hotel room... and really wanted my finisher I ended up running anyways. 

L: At the starting line at sunrise. Top R: Pre-run smiles Bottom R: A sea of pink, and I love the "Preserve the Sexy" shirt! 
Cole, Grace and I headed to the beach for a little R&R&R (rest, relaxation and running)! The course was very flat, well marked and had tons of spectators along the way. As I ran the first mile, I passed our hotel and Cole and Grace were out on the balcony waving! It was awesome. My knee felt pretty good until about mile nine, but at that point I wasn't about to give up. I finished with a 2:05 time, but I feel pretty positive that without my knee bothering me, I could have beat 2 hours... Maybe next year! 

Here's the finisher medal that was awarded to me by a shirtless fireman. They also hand out long stem red roses and flutes of champagne at the finish line. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I also got a teeny-tiny t-shirt and tiara and pink boa to wear as I crossed the finish line. 
So that's the scope from the last month. Now I'm trying really hard to rest my knee before I gear up training for my first marathon in October- the Marine Corps Marathon!  Rest is no fun, though. I'm thinking about signing up for the Fort Bragg Army Birthday 10 Miler and the Airborne Special Operations Museum 10K

Ain't nobody got time for injuries. 

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