
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Blue or Pink: What Do You Think?

Last week was our big ultrasound appointment in which we got to see our little one swimming around on a fuzzy black and white screen. We discussed whether or not we would find out the gender, and both agreed we needed to know! We wanted to plan for Baby # 2's arrival and prepare Grace for the life-changing addition of a little brother or sister. 

She is very sweet to my belly, and she seems to understand there is a baby in there. She pets it, plays little drum beats on it and kisses it goodnight. Although I'm pretty sure she has no idea that the baby will eventually live outside of my tummy... crying, pooping and touching her stuff!

Grace wore her "I'm Going to Be a Big Sister" shirt to school
The appointment and ultrasound went well, and we even found out that our little one was measuring a week ahead of my original due date. 

We sent announcements to our families via snail mail, so that meant we knew the big news, but had to waaaaaiiiiit a few days until their packages arrived. That was torture, and they were very impatient to know whether it would be a baby boy or girl. 

But the boxes finally arrived...
Quail Egg Pregnancy Announcement from TheQuailCottage
With special instructions...
Cute packaging keeps the egg safe during shipping. 
and a special announcement..


Due January 16, 2015

Eek! A Boy! Now we are busy organizing, preparing and discussing names for our sweet little boy's birth. Over half way there!


Cravings: cheese

Feeling: the need to organize


  1. Y'all are too cute. I love the eggs!

    1. Thank you! I just loved the egg announcement when I found it.

  2. You're wonderful. So fortunate that another baby gets to call you Mom! Congratulations Beautiful xo

    1. You're so sweet, Skye! I have two beautiful pictures of Grace and I hanging in my bedroom, and they mean the world to me.

  3. Congratulations Allison! So exciting to be adding another addition to your family! Hope all is well...I love reading your blog and keeping up with how you are doing!

    -- Emily

    1. Hey Emily! Thank you, all is well. Just busy, but in a good way. I hope you're doing great. You look extra happy in your pictures. ;)
