
Thursday, February 13, 2014

8 Valentines I'll Never Send

I love sending and receiving mail, so, of course, Valentine's Day is great in my book. Grace has been working on some Valentine's Day crafts for her grandparents, so I thought I would write some Valentines for some people/places/things that might not get showered with love come February 14th...

1. Sochi, Russia
I actually haven't seen any of the Olympics because we don't have TV right now, but from what I can gather, some things were overlooked by the Olympic preparation committee...

I hope you prepare more for Valentine's Day than you prepared for the Olympics. Don't take all the criticism too harshly, people just love to complain. 

2. Greek Yogurt
Professing my love for yogurt-if that's wrong, then I don't want to be right.

The Greek Gods Greek Yogurt,
Dang! You are so delicious! I'm not even mad that one serving has 290 calories and over 45% of my daily saturated fat. You're worth it! 

Yours forever,
3. My amazing husband
He deserves more than my cheesy blog Valentine!
My Love,
Thank you for being patient, helpful, loving and funny. You make me a better person. Grace and I are so lucky to have you in our family! 

4. Deployed soldiers
Deployed Soldiers,
I'm sorry you can't be home right now to spend Valentine's Day with your loved ones. Stay safe and know that your sacrifices and service are very much appreciated. 

5. Families of deployed soldiers

Military Families,
Hang in there! You are so tough, and even though I know sometimes it feels thankless, you are doing an important job. Pour yourself a glass of something and indulge in some Girl Scout Cookies! I hope your family is reunited soon!

6. The Mellow Mushroom waiter
Good pizza and good service- he should be showered in Valentines!
Mellow Mushroom Waiter,
I know it can't be easy to wait on a table full of babies and toddlers, but I appreciate your friendly smile, positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile for our large group. 

See you soon,
7. The Post Office

They probably deliver a lot of Valentine's and don't receive many! 
United States Postal Service,
Happy Valentine's Day! I bet you love delivering all of those colorful greeting cards. We've been through some rough times-like when you let a complete stranger put our mail on hold and lied about trying to deliver packages. I forgive you, but pretty please don't let it happen again. I can see why people lose their faith in government... DMV, USPS... It's not pretty. 

8. My neighbor
To My Neighbor,
You're the epitome of a sweet southern lady. We will miss you. Thanks for letting us borrow your ladder. Happiest Valentine's Day to you!

Warm regards,


  1. haha, so clever! All brilliant. My fave, hands down, is for the Greek yogurt. "DANG! Your'e so good," LOL
    Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo

    1. Thanks, Marie! We just recently moved and they don't have the Greek Gods brand yogurt at my new grocery store. I'm crushed. I guess I have to send a breakup note... Hope you had a great Valentine's Day, too!

  2. A La Jimmy Fallon thank you notes sort of. Clever

    1. If only I could be as funny as Jimmy Fallon. Thanks for visiting!

  3. love these Valentine cards! So creative and thoughtful... especially to the post office (which I totally agree on!) And, btw, thanks for remembering our soldiers and families of soldiers. I have a deployed soldier now. I think I will go buy me a box of mint Girl Scout cookies now! Thanks for the advice. Happy Valentines Day!

    1. Thank you to you and your soldier for your service. I went through 2 deployments with my husband, and it was tough! I hope you can find some Girls Scouts selling some Thin Mints- I saw some this weekend selling them in front of Lowe's.

  4. Loved these! So adorable! You should totally send your neighbor that one!

  5. Mind if I borrow the USPS one?!

    1. It's yours. They can use all the kind words they can get!

  6. Your cards are awesome! I love that you included Sochi because Lord knows after all the terrible press it's received for the Olympic games this year, it could sure use some nice virtual Valentines!

    1. Thanks, Mama Kat! I'm currently watching curling and wondering if maybe I can go compete next winter Olympics...that should be long enough for me to train and figure out the rules, right?

  7. I love these! They are truly in the spirit of Valentine's Day, spreading love to everybody. Sorry I'm stopping by so was a crazy week...but thank you for coming by to visit me as well!

    PS - Greek Gods Honey is like the best. yogurt. ever. I can't even care that it's a million calories, it's just SO good!
    PPS - I was lucky enough to watch curling at the Vancouver Olympics, it's actually super cool! You could totally get into the 2018 Games, I'll root for ya!
