
Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer Fun

Long time, no blog. Bad Allison!

But... I have a good excuse. We've been busy enjoying the summer. Our college friend just got stationed in N.C. What a small world! We also went on a getaway to a house on Lake Wylie and got to spend some time with my Mom, sister and her boyfriend. 
Sunrise on Lake Wylie

Grace (and the rest of us) got a little sick, but she was a trooper and for once was willing to lay on the couch and be cuddled and held. (I don't think Grandma minded.)

Finally, Grace is the esteemed graduate of a music class!These pictures are from Grace's last Music Together class. If you live in Fayetteville, this class is awesome and the teacher is wonderful. This was by far my favorite activity Grace has participated in! She learned so much and really seemed to enjoy every minute of the class as well as the CD of songs. We LOVED it!

Now, if I can just get her past her obsession with Trot Ole Joe!

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