
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th and 9th

Happy 4th of July, my friends! I hope you are all doing fun things today with the people you love while celebrating the home of the brave and the land of the free. This year I am lucky enough to have my husband home, which means we also got to celebrate our anniversary (7/3) together. We joke that at least we'll always have fireworks for our anniversary each year!

Instead of planning something for this week, we went on a mini-getaway to Myrtle Beach last weekend. Despite rain and tornado warnings, we enjoyed the hotel pools and a visit to the Alligator Adventure Park. (Grace was not a fan of the sandy beach.)

Giant tortoises 

Sleepy croc

Alligator overload
Since our visit, Grace's favorite new words are "crocodile, alligator, turtle, and beach."
Nine years of marriage has only made us stronger and more ridiculously good looking. ;)
I have no idea what this next year will bring, but knowing that I have Cole by my side I'm ready for new adventures. Grace and I are lucky to call you ours.

What are your plans for celebrating the 4th of July? Fireworks, BBQs, beaches, cold beverages??? Whatever you do, stay safe and keep the fighting, the fallen and the families of our military in your heart.

Mama's Losin' It
Share a 4th of July inspired post. 


  1. Happy anniversary! My husband and I met 4th of July weekend, so it's an anniversary of sorts for us, too.

    p.s. The alligator pics kind of freak me out a little. I'll take the rain and tornado warnings over those!

    1. Thank you Dyanne! Happy anniversary (of sorts) to you, too! I didn't even get a good picture of the "King of Crocs." He seriously freaked me out!

  2. I have great appreciation for military moms. One of my best friends from high school is married to a career soldier. So glad you could be together.

    1. Military families definitely have to be resilient, but I am always so amazed and thankful for all of the support for our troops and their families. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Holy freakin' alligators, man! That's a lot of teeth. Happy anniversary! I'm glad your husband was home for it (and for Independence Day!)

    1. No freakin' joke, there were alligators everywhere! We got to watch a live feeding, and the zookeeper reminded us that the gators don't discriminate between chicken and children. Eek! I hope you had a great Independence Day, too!

  4. Alligator overload is RIGHT! Yikes!

    Your little family is so adorable, I love that you had your own special celebration. :)

    1. Whoa! THE Mama Kat!? Thanks for stopping by and for the Totally World Famous Writer's Workshops! I kind of feel like you came to visit, and I was still wearing my housecoat and dishes were in the sink... Oh, well! At least you weren't selling vacuums or knives! Happy 4th of July weekend!

  5. I've visiting from Mama Kat's site (she visited my post too!). That was definitely a cool trip to make. I'd love to see the alligators - from a safe distance, of course!

    Congratulations on nine years together. I wish you both many, many more happy, healthy years together.

    1. So awesome! Thanks for visiting and for the best wishes! I liked your list and must agree with you about the Kardashians! (Although, I kind of love to hate them!)

  6. Those alligators remind me of a place Gatorland we went to growing up. I still have dreams about that place. Nightmares actually. Congrats on your anniversary. Many, many more.

    1. The alligators were no joke! I hope I never run into one in the wild. Ahh! Thanks for visiting!
