
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Warm Winter Wishes

Are Christmas cards a dying tradition? Who needs a paper card and family photo mailed by post when you can check out Facebook for the latest, hot-off-the-press info on everybody you know? I remember our family sent a page-long newsletter every year when my sister and I were kids. Cue eye rolls and yawns. Yeah, we were one of those families. 

I always hang up the Christmas cards that we receive. I love getting mail and opening the envelopes to find best wishes from friends and family. However, I wonder what fate the cards I send meet... a cherished spot on the mantle, stacked with other cards in a pile, or (I shutter to think) tossed in the recycling bin! Maybe you don't want our smiling mugs watching your every move? Understandable.

Nevertheless, I like sending out cards, and if you're lucky (or unlucky) enough to be on my mailing list, please feel free to do with it as you wish! No hard feelings. 

Warm winter wishes from the Anderson family!
May the next year be very merry and bright.

Our Christmas card from Picaboo

Mama’s Losin’ It
Christmas card share! Show us the card you sent out to family and friends this year.


  1. I LOVE Christmas cards!!!!!
    You have a beautiful family.

    1. Me too! Actually, I can't resist beautiful note cards and stationery either! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a lovely family! I think that it would be fun to take all the Christmas cards that arrive in the mail and do some sort of project with them, something that can be kept forever, such as a wreath or making them into ornaments. I just haven't had the time, but I keep the cards, just in case inspiration strikes!

    1. Good idea, I've seen some inspiration on Pinterest... Now to find the time!

  3. Nice family photo. I like getting photo greetings from the family. And I like getting cards and sending cards. It seems like it's the only time of the year we do that. I'ts just one of those things I think we should keep on doing!

    1. Thank you! You're right, it is the only time of the year we send out cards. I think it's a nice tradition and lets loved ones know you're thinking of them no matter how far apart you are.

  4. That is a great pic you chose for the card. There are a few cards featuring my dearest friends of family that have made their way to a permanent(?) spot on the fridge. Don't worry about what others do, enjoy whatever traditions make you happy. M

    1. Thanks, Miriam! I will. :) I saw some lovely magnetic picture frames for the fridge. They would be perfect for those special cards!

  5. I hang up my Christmas cards, too, in my kitchen, where I always seem to be standing. LOL I love looking at all of them. It makes the kitchen more cheery, too, with all of the colorful cards. (And one hoops & yoyo card that keeps falling off and giving me a heart attack when it opens and says "YOU DO!!!!") I send them out, too, but only to a few people who I know will appreciate them.

  6. I hope you're able to do the professional family picture. It's something you won't regret. We've only done them twice, but I adore the images and they are among my most cherished possessions!

  7. I hang mine in the kitchen, too! They had to be extra high this year so that little fingers couldn't pull them down! Luckily I did not have any talking cards- that sounds terrifying!
