
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Run So I Can Wear These Sweet Tights

Last Sunday I ran the City of Oaks Marathon Relay with some fabulous moms (and few of their very supportive husbands)! Here is a recap* of the day:
*Times are an estimation based on my terrible and unreliable memory. 

3:30am- Alarm goes off and I feel nauseous and shaky. Hope that coffee will help.
4:18am- I decide not to wake Grace for one last feeding and leave her in her Daddy's capable care.
5:00am- Meet Kristin and Heather for carpool.
6:27am- Arrive at "Bell Tower" and locate nearest portojohns immediately.
6:40am- Find the rest of the Wonder Woman team and distribute race numbers and timing chips.
6:44am- Lauri drops her phone to its death. .
6:52am- Realize I gave timing chip band, but not timing chip to our first runner. PANICK a little.
6:56am- Karen finds our runner and gives him the chip.
7:00am- RACE STARTS!
7:16am- Catch the shuttle bus to the 3/4 handoff location.
7:30am- Wait outside McDonalds freezing our tails off. 
7:34am- Decide to go inside McDonalds to get a coffee. Resist the urge to order a hash brown patty. 

8:06am- Cole texts me. Baby is up, all is well. 
8:13am- First place runners zoom by.
8:55am- The 3rd leg of team Wonder Woman takes off from the transition area.
9:07am- More waiting. I'm starting to wonder why I paid money to wake up early, drive an hour and a half and stand in the cold all morning long....Regretting my decision. 
10:22am- It's my turn! FINALLY! I take off running in my sweet Wonder Woman socks, shirt and vintage blue running tights. I feel fast, (and kind of silly). Eye of the Tiger comes on my iPod. Sweet.
10:38am- I pass a runner who's shirt reads, "DFL is better than DNF." (Dead F'in Last is better than Did Not Finish). Good point. Keep running.
10:56am- Witness some marathon runners really struggling to make it the last couple of miles. A volunteer yells to me, "Looking good for having run 24 miles!" (Try 4 miles, actually. I feel guilty.)
11:19am- I cross the finish line and am rewarded with 4 shiny medals! For me?! Oh, for my team, of course! 

Leg 3 and 4 runners from team Wonder Woman Red, White, Blue and Gold!

11:30am- Call the hubbins to confirm he and Grace are both still alive. 
11:33am- Gather the other carpoolers, and get the flock out of apologies for being directionally challenged. 
12:49pm- Drop off carpool divas. 
12:54pm- Guzzle Iced Mocha from Dunkin' Donuts. 
1:16pm- Arrive home! Baby is napping and Cole is watching football. Must be nice...let me tell you about my morning...

I hope this post doesn't sound like I'm complaining, I'm really not. I had a blast. It's just funny to realize what I consider fun these days. Sure, the relay race took some planning and included a lot of waiting around, but you can't beat the atmosphere and the camaraderie you get at running events. I got to hang out with super nice, funny ladies, the volunteers were very supportive, I had a great run, and I got to spend I morning doing something for myself. Likewise, Cole and Grace spent the morning together and survived with no catastrophes. (I may have worried, but I knew they would be fine!)

Now that I've had some time to reflect, I am really thinking about training for a marathon next year. Maybe the City of Oaks Marathon??? I'm no where near ready now, but by this time next year, I could be ready! I can't believe I'm even considering it, but I really do love a new challenge! 

So, let me know if you have any good training advice or would like to be my training buddy...anybody??? Hellllllooo????? 

Where did everybody go?

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