
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our 10 Month Old is Feisty! (but we still love her)


Suddenly Grace is 10 months old, and she has a personality! 
(I could even go so far as to call it an attitude!)

A spicy dress to match her spicy personality!
She does not like:
green beans
having her diaper changed
clips, hair ties, bows or any other apparatus put in her hair

Her newest skills include:
giving high fives
opening cabinets
bobbing her head to music
giving "kiss-kiss" (only when she wants to, of course)
picking up and eating Cheerios and puffs
dumping Griffin's water bowl

I know it's been a while, so this is what else we've been up to lately:

We ate Mud Pies
I'm not saying they're healthy, but they're good!
We are attempting meal planning
The meal calendar has helped, now I just need to work on my grocery shopping!
We made play dough

How easy is this?

How To Make Homemade Playdough

1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/4 salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 Tbls. vegetable oil
food coloring (4-6 drops)

  1. Mix together all of the ingredients in a saucepan.
  2. Put the pot on the stove and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it globs together in one big ball of playdough.
  3. As soon as it becomes one big ball, take it off the heat and set it on a plate or wax paper to cool. 
  4. Once the play dough has cooled, knead it to make it extra soft. 

 We created Hand Print Owls
Find the cute owl template at Meet the Dubiens

 We traded in the trusty Jeep...

Thank you, Jeep for your many faithful years of service.
May you find a new home where you are loved and appreciated. 
For a more gas efficient ride!
Introducing the Buick Regal "Beagle"

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