
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Homemade Ice Cream For Your Enjoying Pleasure

Grace and I are getting back into the swing of things in North Carolina. 

Wake up, get dressed and make coffee.

Feed Griffin.

Get Grace up, dressed and fed. 

Eat breakfast while Grace plays.

Head out the door.

Sweat profusely.


Griffin helps entertain Grace while I scrounge up breakfast.
We are back to Stroller Strides (SS), and I'm training for another half marathon this fall. I am also the newly appointed playgroup captain for SS. This means I plan a craft or activity for the kiddos once a week after our workout. Please feel free to call me Captain, el capitan, chief... but you don't have to, I'll still answer to Allison.

Last week was my first week at the helm, and we made homemade ice cream. I'd say it turned out pretty well, but it was HOT and the ice was melting FAST

Here's how we did it:

How To Make Homemade Ice Cream In A Baggie

Ingredients for 1 serving:
2 Tablespoons of sugar
1 cup half & half (or light cream)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup coarse salt or table salt (I used "ice cream salt")
Gallon-sized Ziploc bag
Pint-sized Ziploc bag
1 pint of Ben & Jerry's (just in case this doesn't work out..) 

  1. Mix the sugar, half & half and vanilla extract together in the pint-sized Ziploc bag and seal it tightly.
  2. Fill the gallon-sized Ziploc bag halfway with ice and pour the salt over the ice. 
  3. Place the pint-sized bag into the ice-filled bag and seal.
  4. Start shaking! Shake for 5-10 minutes. (Put those biceps to work!)
  5. Open the gallon-sized bag and check to see if the ice cream is hard, if not, keep shaking.
  6. Once the ice cream is finished, quickly run the closed pint-sized baggie under cold water to clean off the salt. 
  7. Pop a spoon in the bag and enjoy
This week I'm planning a kid's Olympic day! I'll let you know how it goes, but I'm hoping for GOLD!

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