
Friday, July 20, 2012

Love You, Papa

Papa (Ken Alexander) died yesterday after a long battle with cancer and pulmonary emphysema. 
He was an incredible man who helped raise nine amazing children. 
He had oodles of grandchildren and great grandchildren who adored him. 
I am happy he is no longer suffering. He was tired. 

Papa was elected as the Justice Court Judge twice and Sheriff of Sierra County. What a legacy he leaves behind!

He was a gold-hearted cowboy.

He did Cole and I the honor of performing our wedding ceremony. 
He was married to my grandma for 62 years. 

I will always remember him for his great sense of humor and his love for dessert. He would let Jennifer and I play with the kittens in his barn and sing to the cows. We loved seeing the newborn baby calves. We would give them all names, and Papa would remind us that one day these cows would be hamburgers in our freezers. (Sad, but true!)

When we would stay the night at Grandma and Papa's house, my sister and I would be afraid to go into their room at night because it sounded like there was a monster inside. (It was Papa snoring!)

He will be missed and always loved. 

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