
Friday, June 1, 2012

Bam! I Speak Fluent Swedish...

Ok, maybe not fluent Swedish, but I did manage to decipher the instruction manual from Ikea and assemble my patio furniture!

My inner domestic goddess is doing back flips... 
(50 Shades of Grey anyone???)
The porch still needs some livening-up, but at least people can tell there are inhabitants in the house. 
This picture on the instruction manual almost scared me off...
I don't want to look sad and lumpy with cracked furniture!
But actually, I ended up feeling more like the guy on the right (and I didn't even call Ikea)!

I do have one small confession. When I went outside to enjoy my glass of ice cold lemonade- because that's what you do in the south- I realized I put the back of one of the chairs on backwards. Whoops. I didn't panic, I just pulled out my trusty wrench-screwdriver-tool-thingy and whipped that chair into shape! Grace was very impressed.
Next step: flowers, seat cushions and maybe a RED front door.

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