
Monday, May 7, 2012

An Interview With the Maryland 1/2 Marathon's Fastest* Twins

After weeks of training and worrying, Jennifer and I headed out to the Maryland 1/2 Marathon on a dreary and damp morning in our matching gear. Not only was I worried about our feet carrying us all the way to the finish line, I was worried about leaving Grace... FOR THE FIRST TIME. 
Just one of my 4 pages of rambling notes for Grace's babysitters!
Luckily, there was no reason to worry. Grace, Jennifer and I all survived the morning. The run was beautiful, and Grace and I both endured our longest separation yet. (Thank you to Grace's babysitters, Jessica and Phil!) 

The day was actually really emotional for me. I'll admit I cried. I cried when I left Grace, and then again at the start of the race. I cried when I ran past a man with a baby in a stroller. I cried when the volunteer gave me water at the first aid station... I cried after Cole called me from Afghanistan at mile 7. (I kept running the whole time I talked to him.) I cried after I crossed the finish line. 

Don't misunderstand, I wasn't bawling or anything, but I was definitely tearing up over everything. I think it was just the challenge of the day and my nervousness over leaving Grace combined with the feeling of awe you get seeing over a thousand people setting off to accomplish a goal. 13.1 miles. 

{An Interview With the Maryland 1/2 Marathon's Fastest* Twins}
*I actually can't confirm that this is true, but it sounds good. 

1. Why did you sign up to run 13.1?
Jen- I signed up in December as a way to keep running and motivated. 
Al- I like having a goal to work towards. Actually 
signing up and paying the money really motivates me... and terrifies me all at the same time!

Photo credit
2. What is your power song?
Jen- Say Hey by Michael Franti and Spearhead
Al- Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO

3. Do you have a running mantra?
Jen- It's about having the courage to start!
Al- Every step is one step closer. 

4. The funniest thing I saw during the race was...
Jen- A guy ran the whole thing jumping rope. It was effortless and graceful.
Al- Guys darting off into the bushes to pee. It must be nice...

5. At mile 12 I was thinking...
Jen- I was mad because my GPS was off and I had already gone 12 miles...but I figured I'd gone this far, so I couldn't stop now!
Al- Outta' my way suckers! I'm finishing strong! Haha!

Look how green it was!
5. Describe the day in 3 words.
Jen- Long. Inspirational. Drizzling. 
Al- Memorable. PR. Donut holes. (That's four words, I know!)

7. My next race will be...
Jen- Maybe a half marathon in Baltimore in October. 
Al- Some local 5K's and then maybe some more trail races in CA. 

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