
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Grace Turns 4 Months Old

4 Things I've Learned In 4 Months As Grace's Mom:

1. I can accomplish most tasks with just my right hand.
Making coffee, going to the bathroom, feeding the dog... all while holding a baby!

2. Sleep is overrated.
Even when I have time to sleep, I don't sleep because there's something else I'd rather be doing.

3. Babies don't hold a grudge.
They don't! Grace has already forgiven me for every mistake I've made. These include, but are not limited to, putting her clothes on backwards, letting Griffin french kiss her, and forgetting to buckle all of the straps in her car seat.

4. Poo, pee, puke and boogers are no big deal.
I just wipe them up and we're good to go! The old me would be truly disgusted with the new me.
Grace had her 4 month well baby appointment
Weight- 13 lbs. 12 oz (71st percentile)
Height- 24.6 inches (81st percentile)*
*There's still hope for her volleyball career


Some highlights from this week:
  • Auntie Jen left after an amazing weekend visit.
  • I locked myself out of the house and had to call a locksmith. Grrr.
  • I went to Stroller Strides and for a run around the neighborhood. (Just 2 months until the Baltimore Half Marathon!)
  • Baby Play Class
  • Grace turns 4 months old. We took 4 shots of tequila to celebrate! (That's not true.)
  • We got to FaceTime with Cole in Afghanistan! I was so excited to get to talk to him and see him! It was perfect timing because Grace was just waking up and full of smiles.
  • We watched a Mad Man marathon! Oh Don Draper, you handsome devious fellow. I can't wait until the new season starts next week!

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