
Thursday, February 9, 2012

If You Give A Mom An Hour...

If you give a mom an hour, she's going to want to take a shower.

When she goes into the bathroom, she'll probably need a towel.

When she opens the dryer, she'll realize she needs to fold the clothes.

Then she will want to put the clothes away, so they don't sit in the basket for a week.

When she looks in the closet, she'll remember she's out of milk. So she will probably go to the kitchen to add it to her grocery list.

When she's finished taking inventory of the pantry and fridge, she'll want to make a quick bite to eat. She'll pop a frozen burrito into the microwave. She might get carried away and make some guacamole. She may even pour herself a glass of lemonade as well!

When she's done, she'll probably want to empty the dishwasher. She'll wipe down the counters, call her sister and let the dog outside, and back inside, and back outside.

She'll probably run and grab the mail. She'll leaf through the magazines and junk mail and then open a card from a friend. When she reads the card, she'll get so excited she'll want to write one of her own. She'll go to the office to get paper and a pen.

She'll write a note. When the note is finished, she'll want put it in an envelope and put a stamp on it.

Then she'll want to address the note, so she'll pull out her iPhone. Which means she'll...check Facebook real fast. (I swear!)

She'll address the letter and put it on the counter to mail tomorrow. Looking at the counter will remind her that she wants to take a shower so... she'll head to the bathroom and turn on the water.

And chances are if the water's hot and she just put shampoo in her hair, she's going to hear baby Grace crying and awake from her nap...

*This post inspired by Mama's Losin' It writer's workshop


  1. That's awesome. And so true. And also the same sort of reason why I can start going to bed at 9 p.m. and still be awake for no good reason at midnight.

  2. So true. But she sure got a lot done in that hour! :)

    1. It really is amazing what you can get done in an hour!

  3. How quickly an hour can get away from you when you have a baby. Lol!

  4. I'm loving the truth of this! And loving checking in on your blog every now and again to see you and Grace in your new adventure. So glad you are well! Looking forward to meeting that sweet little girl of yours soon I hope!
    Smiles sent from Alexis & Emi

    1. Thanks Alexis! I am truly loving being a mom. I love seeing your new pictures of Emi! Sometimes I think Grace looks a little like her! ;)

  5. This sounds so familiar! That one hour goes by so fast when there are so many things calling to be done. :) Nice job on your post. :)

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I had fun writing this! I just want to commend you on your post about women and negative labels. It really is sad that there is such a double standard.
