
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Challenge

Happy 2012 to all! It's that time of year that everyone is making resolutions and planning ways for self improvement in the coming year. I'm no different! I already know that this year is going to be like none other, but I genuinely like the idea of making goals, so I wrote down a couple of resolutions for 2012:

  1. Take care of my skin (SUNSCREEN people!)
  2. Be active with my baby (complete 3 half marathons...aaannnd beat my last time of 2 hrs. 13 mins.!)
  3. Start a blog (this is a good start, don't you think!?)
  4. Create and follow a budget (and save some money!)
We're only a couple days into January, but I'm feeling good about my resolutions.

I'm stocked up on my skin care products and sunscreen. Now the hard part is actually using them EVERY DAY!

I've scouted out the first half marathon I want to attempt and even went on a couple of runs post baby! Woot woot! I have an awesome stroller, too, so Grace and I will be hitting the pavement together soon!

I'm working on getting the "Math In My Head" blog up and running, and I'm super excited to use it to stay in touch with friends and family! Hopefully I can find a little bit of time between feedings and diaper changes to post at least a couple times a week... we shall see... I'm making goals not promises!

To keep my money straight, I've signed up for (more on that later), but it's an awesome way to manage a budget. I've also decided to start the January Spend Freeze Challenge. Basically this means no unnecessary purchases during the month January. I can buy groceries, gas, and baby things and pay my utilities and bills. That's it. No clothes, home accessories, manicures or starbucks. I think January is the perfect time to attempt this challenge because I'm coming off a Christmas high. I got tons of great gifts for Christmas, and I can fit into my normal clothes (read: no more maternity clothes). I'll let you know how it goes. Feel free to join me!

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