
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gettin' Our Stroller Strides On

Everyday Grace and I try to get out of the house at least once, so I'm constantly on the lookout for baby friendly things to do. (I can only go grocery shopping so many times a week...) I've been looking to join some sort of Baby Bootcamp. Something where I can work out with the baby and meet some other moms. I hadn't found anything until I started looking on Eureka! It's called Stroller Strides. Have you heard of it? I guess it is a franchise all over the country. It's a stroller fitness class for moms and moms to be. Hmm... that sounds like a pretty fun business to me! I contacted the owner, Becca, who has a little boy who is a few weeks older than Grace (and 2 older kids), and she invited me to try out a class.

The verdict? It was fun! And hard! I was definitely the girl with the red face struggling to do a push-up or plank, but it was energizing and the hour actually went by really fast. While I sweated and struggled to do a star leap, Grace slept. While I did lunges and bicycle crunches, Grace opened one eye, yawed and went back to sleep. Becca, the instructor, made it fun for the older babies by singing songs while we did reps, "the ants go marching one by one hoo raw hoo raw..." "5 little monkeys jumpin' on the bed, 1 fell off and bumped his head..." She made sure we kept moving the whole time and found ways to incorporate the stroller and babies in with the work out. I think that I am going to have to sign up for some more classes... as soon as my burning quads recover.

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