
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Baby's First 5K

Milestones are a big deal in the baby community. First smile, first ponytail :), first step, first word... However, capturing and memorializing these achievements is harder than I thought it would be. The days go by so fast, and Grace is changing and growing every single day.

I did manage to get some pictures of this milestone, though: Baby's First 5K!

Fort Bragg 5K starting line
My apologies to all of the small dogs and children I took out with my stroller. I'm still learning to drive this thing. (I even saw one of the moms from the Stroller Strides class! She had a double stroller (2 kids!), a dog and she's pregnant. Whoa lady, you're making me look bad!)

Over half way done!
Grace slept up until this point, and then she started to look around. What a good little copilot she is! I was sad I didn't bring Griffin. :( There were tons of dogs out for their morning 5K!

No, we didn't win, but we made it to the end without walking, tripping, falling or taking out any of the other participants.

Map from my Nike + GPS app on my iPhone
Slow and steady! This is the farthest I've run since baby Grace has been born!

Cole comes home tomorrow! I love you, and can't wait for you to see how much Grace has grown. Also, Griffin is driving me crazy and would like for you to play fetch with him for a good solid hour, at least.

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